A mama hen does her part by sitting patiently on the egg,
keeping it warm, turning it over every now and then.
She can't force the baby chick to hatch.
She can't break the shell and force it to come out when it's not ready.
It will die, but when the baby chick is ready, it will hatch on its own,
and that's wonder to behold.
I saw this picture on my facebook timeline this morning and shared it with the boy after he had his breakfast. I waited until he has finished reading the lines...
Mom: This is so meaningful, don't you think?
Son: Yes, very...
Mom: Wah, you can understand the meaning ah? Tell me, tell me...
Son: It means, everything comes from within my own will and initiative to do or succeed in something, no one can force me from outside lor.. Like the egg, if we force open the shell, then the baby chick inside will die lor.. When we do things with a strong will from within ourselves, then miracle happens lo.
Mom: Che wah!! You really understand wor.. but do you do it or not?
Son: Hehehehe.. *sheepishly, leans closer and gives the mom a beary hug*.......
Mom: I have been waiting until my neck also grows longer like a giraffe.. Can you plan your own time to do revision without me having to nag you?
Son: I am trying, mom. Give me two more years, mom.. I hope I can have that kind of inside force before I hit teens, you told me teens start from thirteen years old and teenagers are rebellious and hard to teach and it'll be too late then, right?
Mom: Hmmm.. Trying only huh?
Son: No, I must do it!!!
Mom: omm.. ommm. ommm..
This boy of mine still needs lots of pushing when it comes to doing revision. He will obediently finish his homework every evening before going to bed but not the revision part. He still needs loads of guidance, nagging, nurturing and motivation from the mom. To be fair to him, I must have this recorded down. During his first term exam week, he woke up early almost everyday just to catch up on some last minute revision. I would like to think that it's a good sign as he finally shows hints of wanting to excel, from within. I'll have to continue my hair pulling moments until he finally gets there. See, parenting is fun! *laughs hilariously*
How about your kids? Do they plan their own timetable and do their revision just because they want to (inside force) and not they are forced to (outside force)? If yes, congrats and you have finally got there! I am envious.. ;)