My Little Herb Corner
Repotted my rosemary and stevia plants and propagated mint and stevia.
Pruned my stevia plant and the stems bundled and hung to dry. Going to make my own natural sweeteners!
My cup of tea made with mint and stevia leaves freshly plucked from my herb corner. Tastes so sweet and refreshing. I am so proud of myself! LOL....
I am hooked on fresh herbs and planning to travel to Sg Buloh over the weekends the get more herb plants! I now have five types of herbs, namely rosemary, stevia, peppermint, Thai basil and mint in my herb collection. I will have peppermint tea for tea time tomorrow. LOL...
I put all my potted herb plants at a corner of my porch so that they get to enjoy morning sun and the boy named this corner mommy's herb corner. He says it can't be called a herb garden as they are not planted in the garden and I agree with him. Wait till my raise bed is ready, then I will officially call it my herb garden. Stay tuned!
Great! You have your own organic greens now.
ahem ahem...if i cant find herb i look for you la LOL
Yummy herbs!
You are just like mom! Her huge garden has over 20 types of herbs to treat all types of ailments :)
I'm so envious of your little herb garden. I love fresh herbs but I don't have green fingers to plant and keep them alive. It's just too bad that plants can't survive under my care... :( Bravo to you! :)
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