Inspired Momx1

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cousins' Bonding Time

When the sun is up above the heads, this bunch of rascals turn the air-cond on at full blast and have a whale of a time playing electronic games.

When the sun is down, they crawl out of the comfort zone and play outdoor... basket ball, badminton, hide-n-seek, masak-masak....

And here I am, shaking legs while blogging away and waiting for dinner time, homecooked by my 2nd sister in-law. Bliss... Hehehe...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

About Perfect Scores

While doing his BM homework, the boy and his mom had this conversation...

Boy: Mom, it must be a breeze for the Malay boys in my school to score in their BM papers, right?

Mom: Do you score perfect marks in your Chinese papers or not?

Boy: Hahahaha... Never. *period* *no more questions asked and continues with his BM homework*

I think yours truly aka Ian's mom is getting pro in answering questions thrown to her by her witty boy. LOL...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Two More Weeks....

Three more days before the boy is done with his exam. Two more weeks before we are back to my kampung... Yeah!! Can't wait!! :)
It's a long holiday every end of May in Sabah in conjunction with Harvest Festival.  We have plans to drive to Kota Kinabalu with the whole gang of my family, it's going to be a fun trip!  Everyone is excited especially the boy who is going to celebrate his 10th birthday in Sandakan for the first time.  I can't wait to go to Desa Cattle Farm, Tamparuli, Kundasang.......... again.  My last trip there was more than 20 years ago with my fellow ex-colleagues with whom I still keep in touch.  Before I left the company for good,  the whole bunch of us went for a trip to conquer Mount Kinabalu.  Sweet memories...
Other than that, I can't wait to enjoy mom's home cooked food and meet up with my childhood friends. See you soon, Sandakan!! :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Assam Laksa On Mother's Day

My blog was hacked and it would be redirected to some expired domain when I tried accessing to it.  There were some suspicious html codes being added to my template and after spending hours trying to fix it, I gave up.  Instead I changed the template to a basic one but all my links to my fellow blogger friends' blogs also went "poof" gone!  It will  take me days to add them back. Sheesssshhh... Oh well...
Back to my blog post today, Mother's day is just around the corner.  The boy has been asking me two weeks ago what I want for this day and as usual, he gets the same answer, No need lah...  He literally got fed up with the answer....
Boy: I will buy you a bowl of Assam Laksa this coming Mother's Day, okay?
Mom: Hmmm..  Can I have two bowls?
Boy: You can finish meh? You are such a small eater..
Mom: I feel like eating three bowls now... *evil grins*
Boy: *counts this month's savings from his weekly allowance*  Not enough money to buy you three bowls but two bowls can.. Make sure you finish eating ah, don't waste food.
Mom: But I feel like I can eat 3 bowls on Mother's Day, how?
Boy: Hmmm.. Can... but you must give me my allowance for next week first.
Happy weekend, everyone.. I gotta work on my blog template now. Sienzzz...