Content of the novel
I bought the boy this Chinese illustration novel when I was at Popular Bookstore two days ago. This novel was recommended by one of my friends whose daughter also loves reading, mostly English books though, Geronimo Stilton in particular, hardly any Chinese story books.
She got this novel for her banana girl recently and to her surprise, she started flipping through the novel as it has the same funny font characters as Geronimo's, one of the strong factors why kids are drawn to the book. As I am writing this post, the series of this novel by Odonata has just published its 4th book.
My boy, though reads Chinese and BM story books too but he is still inclined towards English books given a choice. I hope he will be like mommy one day who reads not only English books but Chinese and BM books too when I was his age if not older and that's how I picked up Chinese though I went to a Kebangsaan school.
Content of Geronimo Stilton books
I also bought him comics books, also by Odonata as requested by him. Yes, He requested for those Chinese Books! Previously, he would never have asked for any Chinese books unless I bought and put them on the bookshelves, then he would read it but the priority would still be English books!
I think he is influenced by his classmates who are mostly from Mandarin speaking families unlike his previous school where majority of them spoke English.
The content of the comics
The dinosaur comics he pre-ordered through his school. It has become a hit among kids in his school. One of his classmates even attempted stealing one of those books from his bag but the boy soon recovered it as someone in the class who witnessed the incident reported to the teacher, the culprit was caught red- handed. Lucky him!
And this too, to prepare him for std 4 as by then, they are required to use Chinese idioms to make sentences and write essays.
I hope by reading more books, my boy would not have to memorise those long essays they have to write during exams, it's torturing having to do all the memorising. Gosh.. And yes, now that he is in std 3, essay writing is coming real soon as the Chinese standard in his present school is higher compared to the previous one. The boy hasn't gotten back their exam papers but he told me they already had one Chinese essay during the recent exam but much to a simplified version where some of the words were given and they're required to fill in the blank to complete the whole essay.
Last but not least, I must admit that he is still not quite ready to reading a 'real' novel which I bought for him at his request too. I think this one novel gotta sit and wait on the bookshelf until he is ready. Hehehe...
A 'real' novel with no pics or funny font characters in between..
Labels: Books, Chinese, Kids, primary education, Reading