JC's Graduation & Awards Night
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Ian's kindie had their Graduation and Awards Night for the 6 year olds' on a Sunday evening. He was chosen to play the role as a rich man and father of two sons, one obedient and the other rebellious, in a drama named “When there's Love”. I personally felt that my son's acting skill was just so-so and obviously not a born actor. Haha.... this bad mommy. On the other hand, I was amazed with the performance of his classmate who played the role of the rebellious son. He was so gifted in acting that he could carry his role so well and natural even in front of hundreds of audience! Guess he was sent to some drama classes or whatsoever.
I already knew beforehand that Ian was going to get an award on that night as he had told me earlier that he was made to stand in the front row on stage and those who sttood in that position would get some sort of awards. He also told me he would get an award for Best Reader in Bahasa Malaysia.
When Teacher Siew Num, his class teacher announced his name as the Best Reader in Bahasa Malaysia and his graduation photo being screened out, he walked out and received his plaque from his teacher. I wanted to take photos of him but all the pictures taken from my auto digital camera came out blurred. Luckily, we had the option to purchase the photos and VCD which for RM20. They were supposed to call me for the pick-up anytime now and I would post the photos once I get it.
Ian was very weak at this subject when he was five and on few occasions he got zeros in his Ejaan. Apart from guiding him on the basics of “sukukata” at home, credit must also be given to his ex-class teacher, Teacher Sukie for her patience and dedications towards teaching her students. She only served as Ian's class teacher for the 1st half of this year and their B.M. Teacher for the rest of the year. Kudos to her.
Ian's kindie had their Graduation and Awards Night for the 6 year olds' on a Sunday evening. He was chosen to play the role as a rich man and father of two sons, one obedient and the other rebellious, in a drama named “When there's Love”. I personally felt that my son's acting skill was just so-so and obviously not a born actor. Haha.... this bad mommy. On the other hand, I was amazed with the performance of his classmate who played the role of the rebellious son. He was so gifted in acting that he could carry his role so well and natural even in front of hundreds of audience! Guess he was sent to some drama classes or whatsoever.
I already knew beforehand that Ian was going to get an award on that night as he had told me earlier that he was made to stand in the front row on stage and those who sttood in that position would get some sort of awards. He also told me he would get an award for Best Reader in Bahasa Malaysia.
When Teacher Siew Num, his class teacher announced his name as the Best Reader in Bahasa Malaysia and his graduation photo being screened out, he walked out and received his plaque from his teacher. I wanted to take photos of him but all the pictures taken from my auto digital camera came out blurred. Luckily, we had the option to purchase the photos and VCD which for RM20. They were supposed to call me for the pick-up anytime now and I would post the photos once I get it.
Ian was very weak at this subject when he was five and on few occasions he got zeros in his Ejaan. Apart from guiding him on the basics of “sukukata” at home, credit must also be given to his ex-class teacher, Teacher Sukie for her patience and dedications towards teaching her students. She only served as Ian's class teacher for the 1st half of this year and their B.M. Teacher for the rest of the year. Kudos to her.
Labels: Celebrations, Kids, Pre-School Education
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